The Outsiders Review Sheet
Write the name of the character described in the blank

____________________ Handsome guy who looks like a Greek god
____________________ Afraid she will fall in live with Dally
____________________ Tim Shepherd's little brother
____________________ His specialty is shoplifting
____________________ Drove a blue Mustang
____________________ Good-looking, red-headed soc
____________________ Loaned Ponyboy and Johnny a gun
____________________ Sodapop's best buddy
____________________ Liked to sleep in the vacant lot
____________________ Wisecracker of Ponyboy's gang
____________________ Muscular guy who roofs houses
____________________ His prized possession is a black-handled switchblade
____________________ Gave up college to work
____________________ Got a concussion during the rumble
____________________ Scarred Johnny's face with his rings

Why did Cherry spy for the greasers?
How did Johnny feel about his parents?
How did Cherry feel about Dally?
What did Darry want  for Ponyboy?
Why did Randy think fighting would do no good?
Why did the greasers resent the Socs?
Why did Johnny kill Bob?
What were the three things Johnny and Pony needed to hide out from the cops?
How did the newspaper describe the greasers after the fire at the church?
What was Darry’s biggest fear?
What were Johnny’s injuries as a result of the fire?
What did the greasers do to get themselves ready for the rumble?
Why did the leader of the Brumley gang beat up one of his own men?
Why did the cops shoot Dally?
After Johnny died, why did Dally go crazy?
How did Dally get out of the hospital?
Why did Sodapop run out of the house near the end of the book?
What did Sodapop say he felt like?
Who won the big rumble, and what did the losers have to do?
Why did Sodapop quit school?
Ponyboy’s conflict could be best described as Person vs. ??????????
How is Ponyboy a dynamic character?
How is Dally a static character?
The plot in The Outsiders is a good example or which type of plot?
What is the exposition in The Outsiders?
What is the climax in The Outsiders?
What is the major conflict in The Outsiders?
What is the resolution in The Outsiders?