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You can make checks payable to Washburn August Festival, PO Box 45, Washburn. Checks or Cash may also be dropped off at the Washburn Town Office. 

Click here to donate online with a credit card. For more info email:

Please see our message below the pictures.
August 16, 17 & 18
Make your plans now to attend the 43rd Washburn August Festival.
This will be the best one ever with games, crafts, music, fireworks, and new this year, "The American Soldier" a powerful show on Sunday afternoon that you will not want to miss. ​

For August Festival 2024, we proudly present the one-man play, 
The American Soldier, on Sunday, August 18 - 2:00 p.m. at Washburn High School Gym. This will be its first time in the state of Maine, and it is sure to be a great performance honoring our veterans. If you would like to help with the expense of bringing the show to Washburn, please send your donation to Washburn Area Veterans c/o Washburn Rotary Club, P.O. Box 471, Washburn, ME 04786
 Veterans, this is the most MOVING theatrical one-man show you will ever SEE!
The American Soldier is a POWERFUL one-man show that HONORS our Veterans and Military Families. It has been invited to perform at The Kennedy Center (twice), Off-Broadway, and The Library of Congress, as well as in over 45 cities across 35 states. 
"Many are in tears and asking why this play isn't better known." -THE WASHINGTON POST
"He honors our veterans in their own words…" - THE MILITARY TIMES